Having a bad day?
Don’t expect so much. Be grateful for what you’ve got.
After one more setback it’s easy to slide down the road of regrets…,
“If only…,” “I should have, could have,” “How did I get here?”, “Is this all there is?”, “Why am I not rich and famous yet?”, “Are my best years behind me?”, “There is no way out.”
That thinking will not help. Time to change your mindset.
Instead of moaning and groaning and dreaming of what might have been, take a look at what you have to be thankful for. Think of the people who have real concerns and complaints in their lives. Imagine the millions around the world who are much worse off.
Do you deserve your good fortune? Did you earn it?
A little humility and gratitude will get you started on a better road of acceptance. Be happy with what you have, instead of unhappy with what you do not have. Start by indulging in some spontaneous kindness or a generous gift to the unfortunate. Then go with the glow of feeling good about yourself.
The world will be a better place. And you will be a better person in it.
Be better.
Your Uncle Ralph, Del Chatterson
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Click Here to check out Uncle Ralph’s books, "Don't Do It the Hard Way" and "The Complete Do-It-Yourself Guide to Business Plans" Both are available online or at your favourite bookstore in hard cover, paperback or e-book.