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  • Writer's pictureDel Chatterson

Sympathy for the Boss?

Updated: Feb 25

Somebody has to do it  

Management is not getting easier. Although managers do not get much sympathy, they are increasingly overloaded, stressed, burnt-out, harassed by demanding employees and distracted by the constant buffeting of rapid changes in economic conditions and the technologies that they depend on to get their jobs done. It's a lot to manage. A lot of variables that are largely outside their control.

And they have bosses too, who are usually more demanding and less sympathetic than their employees. And the bosses' bosses also have to satisfy the ever-increasing demands and expectations of customers and shareholders.

Why would anybody want the job of Boss? Psychic income? High levels of satisfaction when the challenges are met and the promised results are delivered? Higher prestige, better pay and perks, a bigger office and car? Friends and family are impressed?

Yes, probably some or all of the above. High achievers don't know when to quit. Or even when to back off and settle for less than the next level. The Peter Principle still applies – managers pushing onward and upward through the hierarchy until they reach the level beyond their competence and they cannot meet the performance requirements. Then the downward slide begins, or early exit.

Good management is valued in every organization. And good managers would appreciate a little more sympathy and understanding. You'll agree if you are one, and you've probably noticed that you're not getting much.

Be better. Do Better. Be an Enlightened Entrepreneur.

Del Chatterson,  your Uncle Ralph

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