Summer jobs
What did you learn?
It’s time to get back to school soon and the kids are enjoying the last few days of their summer jobs. Remember those days yourself?
Fun in the sun, hanging out with friends, pool parties, BBQ and beer, working on your sun tan and hitting on the other cute kids. Is that what you remember?
But it was not all fun. It was a job and it may have involved garbage collection, cleaning toilets, digging ditches, mowing lawns, making beds, hauling heavy loads or serving hostile customers. All while avoiding boredom, exhaustion and a demanding and difficult boss.
But there were important life lessons learned.
Simple lessons, but important:
Show up on time, work hard.
Focus on the task at hand.
Be responsible for your actions.
Pay attention to the customer, the boss and the environment – in that order.
Use the right tool for the right job, be aware of safety and security issues.
Get your priorities straight – personal, work, family and social.
Better performance leads to better jobs.
Save your money.
Let’s hope these kids are learning them too. They will be better employees, bosses and entrepreneurs, if they learn from their summer jobs.
Be better. Do better.
Your Uncle Ralph, Del Chatterson
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Click Here to check out Uncle Ralph’s books, "Don't Do It the Hard Way" and "The Complete Do-It-Yourself Guide to Business Plans" Both are available online or at your favourite bookstore in hard cover, paperback or e-book.