Learning & Storytelling - Presentation/Seminar including Author Sale & Book-signing.
July 11th, 5-à-7 Bureau en gros, @ St. Charles & Transcanadienne, Kirkland, QC.

Which do you prefer - Fact or Fiction?
Business text book or crime fiction with an entrepreneur as hero?
Entrepreneurs learn best by sharing stories - Fact or Fiction? A boring business textbook or a crime thriller with the entrepreneur as hero?
What are the differences between my business books and the crime novels?
Real-life stories:
More facts!
More details
More useful to understand and apply the strategies, tactics & techniques
Crime Fiction:
More fun to read and to write!
More creative ideas and inspiration
Easier to remember the guiding principles
Introduces a new and wider audience
Allows more subtle cheerleading for entrepreneurs and the promotion of Enlightened Entrepreneurship
Everyone learns by sharing stories. But the choice of fact or fiction is all yours.
You're welcome to join the seminar on July 11th. All the books are available online or at your favourite bookstore. Please have a look, then try, buy, read, review and share with a friend.
Thank you!