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Writer's pictureDel Chatterson

Hire a consultant? Hell no!

Hire a consultant? Hell no!

You can do it yourself.

A favourite old joke among consultants is that clients always ask, "What do you specialize in?" and "How much do you charge?"  The appropriate qualifying questions from an intelligent consultant are, of course, "What's your problem?" and "How much can you afford?"

So clients need to be sure they need a specialist with knowledge, experience, or time they don't have to solve a problem or implement performance improvements they cannot do for themselves. My more complete guide on Consultants, How to Choose, Use and Not Abuse Them has previously been posted for your reference.

For example, my consulting company, DirectTech Solutions, had a packaged service called a SNAP Review that we offered to clients to prepare for the strategic planning process. Here's our secret recipe for you to use and do it yourself.

SNAP Review: Strategic Needs Assessment and Performance Review  

With this comprehensive business diagnostic, you can assess your strategic position, your plans and objectives and assess your current performance. After review and discussion with management, employees and customers you will be well  positioned to develop a strategic business plan for improved results.

The SNAP Review Business Diagnostic includes:  

  1. Initial review of company history in sales and marketing, operating productivity, and financial results against current goals and industry comparables.

  2. Discussion with management of the strategic plan and objectives and current key issues, threats, and opportunities.

  3. Survey of at least three key staff members and three key clients or customers to confirm whether their assessments are consistent with those of your management team.

  4. Consolidate the analysis, conclusions, and recommendations for short-term action to achieve long-term objectives.

Please contact us if you need more help. 

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