Excuses are easy
“Too busy fighting fires to do fire prevention”
“When you’re surrounded by alligators it’s hard to see a way out of the swamp.”
But there is no excuse for neglecting to manage the entrepreneur’s Challenge #1:
Balancing strategic leadership with management effectiveness.
The difference between management and strategy is the difference between engineering and philosophy.
Are you building a better solar-powered motorbike or are you developing more environmentally responsible recreation vehicles? Are you designing an appealing mobile app for grocery shopping or are you helping busy people manage their budgets better?
After you put out the next fire, or kick the next alligator away from your butt, look a little further ahead and find a safe place to build a better business.
Your Uncle Ralph, Del Chatterson
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Click Here to check out Uncle Ralph’s books, "Don't Do It the Hard Way" and "The Complete Do-It-Yourself Guide to Business Plans" Both are available online or at your favourite bookstore in hard cover, paperback or e-book.