It's done.
I finally expanded the quick 10-Minute summary into a Complete Do-It-Yourself Guide to Business Plans.

A clear concise 50-page Guide that describes all the requirements for a great Business Plan .
Valuable ideas and information on the personal and strategic business decisions required before you start
Recommended Templates for your Financial Projections
A quick summary 10-Minute Guide to Business Plan basics
An actual sample Business Plan that delivered results
Check it out at:
Why Do-It-Yourself?
As a management consultant, I have often been hired to help with Business plans. (As an entrepreneur, I've also written a few of my own.) But if you hire someone, it still needs to be "your" plan. Nobody can go away and write it for you.
It needs to reflect the entrepreneur's passion, competence, knowledge and commitment to the business. A consultant can help with the planning process, words, numbers, and presentation, but investors, lenders and strategic partners need to know the entrepreneur behind the plan, not the consultant.
Learn how. And do it yourself.